The Water Research Programme was developed from the WAF Research Programme. This was launched to promote the ideas highlighted in the WAFX Manifesto, marking WAF’s 10-year anniversary in 2017. The manifesto identified key challenges architects will need to address over the next ten years, comprising Water; Climate, Energy and Carbon; Ageing and Health; Re-use; Smart City Technology; Power and Justice; Cultural Identity; Ethics and values; Building Technology and Virtual Worlds.
The inaugural prize winner of the Water Research Prize in 2018 is a team of students from Pontificia Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)/ Ciudades Auto-Sostenibles Amazónicas (CASA).

As headline partner, GROHE, will once again support the Water Research Programme at this year’s festival. GROHE is supporting research into tackling unique challenges that water presents, with the winning initiative awarded £10,000 of funding. The results of this work will be presented at WAF 2019 on the Festival Hall Stage.